Special Ops 03/07/22

Grand old day down in Spec Ops. Generally solid days gaming and had the chats with some sound Croatian rentals who seemed psyched about getting into it. I’m pretty happy with the slow-to-fast effect in the footage but the fast parts can be a little shaky. The belt straps for my rig worked well butContinue reading “Special Ops 03/07/22”

Special Ops 03/05/2021

All rain and gun issues. It was raining constantly without let up so I did not take any pictures. Could probably have used that little action camera but to be honest I just wanted to start getting back into practice. Fun games overall, no real stories so I decided not to log each game butContinue reading “Special Ops 03/05/2021”

Spec ops 27/12/2020

Late again. Missed the first round. Two of the Mk23 mags leaking. I will have to take them apart and seal the valve. There is a hidden brake valve on the Tokyo Marui mags. I gather that it is something to do with the power limit in Japan is strictly limited. So if the gasContinue reading “Spec ops 27/12/2020”

Spec Ops 12/12/2020 and Shotgun

Before I get onto the game-day, Hobby Airsoft sorted out my shotgun. Apparently there was some issue with the previous one so they replaced it entirely. They did not have the exact same one in stock as the one I had was ordered so they replaced it with a Secutor M870 Velites M-LOK from GoldenContinue reading “Spec Ops 12/12/2020 and Shotgun”

Friday the 13th Game – Story Mode

6-8 hour milsim type game. 3 teams of 10-12 players and 3 Juggernauts. This can be changed for larger/smaller sites if necessary. The game is divided into 2 phases; Get his equipment/Research (4hrs) – This is the phase where they will need to search for the cases/props and bring them to a stash location. Escape!Continue reading “Friday the 13th Game – Story Mode”

Friday the 13th Game – Long Format

So I have been discussing this with some interested airsofters and the general consensus is that a longer format game would be favorable. They had some amazing input so I am going to make a new set of rules with this in mind. We would be looking at a 6-8 hour milsim type game. ForContinue reading “Friday the 13th Game – Long Format”

Friday the 13th Game – Full Rules

Who knows if I’ll ever manage to get the game off the ground but in the meantime, here is the game I originally had in mind. Players/Survivors Players start with a torch and gun with no more than 500 rounds each (it would need to be play tested to find the best number). They canContinue reading “Friday the 13th Game – Full Rules”

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