Simtac Vietnam Game 22/05/2021

I went to the Vietnam Themed Milsim there in Simtac. There is a fair bit to say but as I am tremendously busy otherwise I will just put up some photos of the event which came from Simtac’s Facebook (or Urban Assault I should say). I messed around with some of them on an appContinue reading “Simtac Vietnam Game 22/05/2021”

Friday the 13th Game – Story Mode

6-8 hour milsim type game. 3 teams of 10-12 players and 3 Juggernauts. This can be changed for larger/smaller sites if necessary. The game is divided into 2 phases; Get his equipment/Research (4hrs) – This is the phase where they will need to search for the cases/props and bring them to a stash location. Escape!Continue reading “Friday the 13th Game – Story Mode”

Friday the 13th Game – Long Format

So I have been discussing this with some interested airsofters and the general consensus is that a longer format game would be favorable. They had some amazing input so I am going to make a new set of rules with this in mind. We would be looking at a 6-8 hour milsim type game. ForContinue reading “Friday the 13th Game – Long Format”

Friday the 13th Game – Full Rules

Who knows if I’ll ever manage to get the game off the ground but in the meantime, here is the game I originally had in mind. Players/Survivors Players start with a torch and gun with no more than 500 rounds each (it would need to be play tested to find the best number). They canContinue reading “Friday the 13th Game – Full Rules”

Friday the 13th The Airsoft Game – Simple Version

This is also something I have had in mind for a while. I have played a juggernaught game before and it was deadly. I have been looking at the game dynamics of Friday the 13th The Game and thought it would be really fun to make an airsoft version. I have an idea for theContinue reading “Friday the 13th The Airsoft Game – Simple Version”

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