Friday the 13th Game – Long Format

So I have been discussing this with some interested airsofters and the general consensus is that a longer format game would be favorable. They had some amazing input so I am going to make a new set of rules with this in mind.

We would be looking at a 6-8 hour milsim type game.

For the purposes of this game we will work with 3 teams of 10-12 players and 3 Jasons. But this could be changed for larger/smaller sites if necessary.

We would have to change up the basis a bit. Similar to the simplified rules version, it would have to be a infiltration game to accommodate re-spawns.


Each Player team is in competition with the other player teams for props. They have to get as many back to their stash.

The team with the most items in the stash at the end of the game is the winner.

Their teammates can use one of their spares to revive their teammate. The revived teammate wears the tourniquet used.

Every player wears one of their tourniquets on their arm. When hit, they call the hit and stay put for 5 minutes (bleed-out). If they are not revived in the 5 minutes, they respawn at one of the entrances. If there is combat ongoing at an entrance, they can go to another one to respawn.

Jason can retrieve the tourniquet they were wearing when shot.

10-12 players per team.

Players start with:

  • Gun – Stun Jason for 5 seconds
  • Torch
  • 4 Midcap Mags
  • 3 Tourniquets
  • Grenades optional – Stun Jason for 30 seconds

Jason (Juggernaut)

Jason’s only objective is to murder as many players as possible including Hunters (if there are any in the game).

They collect trophies (tourniquets). The Jason with the most tourniquets at the end of the game is the winner for the Jasons.

Jasons cannot move props.

Jason’s don’t have to have the mask, but it would look great. They should have heavy padding as they will likely get shot a lot and as big a gun as possible. Minigun would be amazing but a drum mag/LMG would be great also.

Something like that.

Jason’s – can only walk. They are invincible but must pause for 5 seconds if shot and 30 seconds if hit with a grenade.

Bluetooth speakers – Jason’s need to be heard. It is part of the game. Bluetooth speakers would be good for this as they are cheap, pretty loud and small enough to carry around. They could have a playlist of awesome music of their choice.

This is somewhat of a mimic of the video game where you can hear the music getting louder as Jason gets closer.


Credit: Wikipedia

The only players who can use NVGs are hunters. They work alone and are in competition with other hunters and Jasons.

They take hits normally and have to re-spawn at an entrance. They are also targets for Jason.

Hunters start with a tourniquet on their arm and get a new one when they respawn.


  • Speed loaders with extra ammo (with luminous tape).
  • Extra Tourniquets/Med-packs. – Individual tourniquet with each case and three to a medpack which there will be as pickups.
  • Riot shields – These will help in defending against Jason and buying time to escape and relocate.

Prop List

  • Jason Suits – Heavy padding, Jason Mask.
  • LMG/Drum mag – (one per Jason)
  • Bluetooth Speaker (one per Jason)
  • Resource Props (cases, boxes, Etc.) Need to figure out how many. Probably about 30-40 as I want there to be a fair few and want to avoid it devolving into a series of raids later in the game.
  • Speed loaders
  • Cloth Strips (Tourniquets) – 3 per player + 30 as pickups
  • Medpacks – Contain 3 tourniquets


The Bajo Potsateni Cartel, Kropotkin Organisation and the Jingzhou Crime Family are three global crime organisations who operate throughout five continents. Their influence is deeply entrenched in many layers of society throughout the world. They all have their informants in government and military organisations around the world.

Recently they have heard from their embedded sources that a plane carrying a new compound from a government laboratory. This is one area where they have thus far failed to infiltrate.

One source who saw early tests informed them that a the new drug produced a sense of euphoria and the inability to feel pain, but that’s all they know.

The bosses want to get their hands on as much as possible to start their own testing and get the stuff out on the market before the others do.

The plane is on route when it is shot down and the cargo is scattered over an abandoned area.

Hit squads from the three organisations descend on the area to get the compound out before government forces arrive to secure the area.

When the gangs arrive they find out all is not what it seems.

The drug induces a sense of deep euphoria when killing. This was being developed to make the government soldiers more effective in combat. It also makes the soldiers ignore pain entirely and physically increases their physical resilience. It makes the body produce massive amounts of chitin, a fibrous substance consisting of polysaccharides, which is the major constituent in the exoskeleton of arthropods.

Test subjects were also being transported and are now loose with the uncontrollable urge to kill anyone they see.

Once your squad learn the reality of the matter, they know that if they do not return with the drug they will be killed anyway. At first you talk about simply fleeing and hoping the inevitable hit squads don’t catch you. Ultimately, you decide to risk it and try to bring back what you can in the hope that it will be enough to placate your tyrannical overbosses.

You carry on into the darkness, hoping you can get enough of the compound out before you are hunted down by unstoppable killing machines.

Potential Sites

I have looked at a few sites which might work well for the game.

We have been looking into Simtac primarily as it has a great mix of terrain and a lot of rooms to search on multiple levels.


I really like the idea of doing it in Spec Ops also but we might save this for a second event if the first one goes well. I am visualising


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